Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Hanukkah!

At Aleph Bet, we like to celebrate Hanukkah by putting on a show for family and friends. This year, as usual, the students delivered a joyous performance, full of laughter, singing, and holiday spirit. Under the guidance of art teacher Christina Palko, the kids created colorful, eye-catching stage decorations, while music teacher Elizabeth Melvin came up with some new and fun songs for the kids to sing (over and over and over on the ride home). Happy Hanukkah!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We Like to Be Together

Aleph Bet is a small school with a warm spirit grown from respect, friendship, and shared values. Our classes have no more than fifteen students, enabling teachers, students, and parents to forge close, caring relationships that extend well beyond the walls of the classroom and the ringing of the dismissal bell. Sharing and cooperation are vital parts of student culture at Aleph Bet.

"Aleph Bet has been an extended family for us. The teachers have been real role models for our daughter, and our relationships with other parents have developed so that we can send the kids back and forth; they fit in the family like siblings. When [my husband] was sick, other parents just jumped in to help. It's been wonderful" - Fifth Grade Parent

"I love lunch. I like birkat hamazon; it is a good prayer. I like sitting by my friends. I like to be together!" - Second Grade Student

Giving to the Community

One of the underlying philosophies of Aleph Bet Jewish Day School is tzedakah and giving back to the community at large. Students work on various projects throughout the school year to re-enforce these principles, whether it is collecting clothing for people in the nearby apartment complex who lost their homes in a fire, or supporting Guatemalan women and children (see